Tag Archives: news

Our 2nd Amendment Doesn’t Protect Children

Answering Kennedy’s Call Gun rights advocates, the NRA, and Republican Party have never been serious when calling for the enforcement of the 2nd Amendment, because they have never called for the enforcement of a child’s right of self-defense, the most … Continue reading

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No More Inflation?

Popular Economics Weekly It will probably be hard to believe for those scarred by the post-pandemic inflation scare that inflation isn’t declining, but there was no inflation increase in May for both wholesale (PPI) and retail (CPI) inflation indexes. Yes, … Continue reading

Posted in Consumers, COVID-19, Economy, Housing, housing market, Politics, Weekly Financial News | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Greater Lawlessness Causes Great Recessions

Financial FAQs I began writing about Republicans’ disregard for laws in 2012 after the Great Recession of 2007-09, in which as many as 8 million jobs were lost. But not the Republican Party’s lawlessness, though it has always been the … Continue reading

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Inflation Target Reached?

Financial FAQs Inflation is probably as close to the Federal Reserve’s inflation target of 2 percent as possible this year, according to its favorite inflation index, the Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index (PCE) that is the best overall measure of … Continue reading

Posted in Consumers, COVID-19, Economy, Keynesian economics, Macro Economics, Weekly Financial News | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Irrational Exuberance vs. Irrational Pessimism?

Popular Economics Weekly I don’t believe Wall Street investors are irrationally exuberant at present, contrary to those that say we are now in a stock market bubble with the record level S&P and DOW indexes. It’s as easy to be … Continue reading

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Still Fully Employed!

Popular Economics Weekly Ho hum. The U.S. economy was still fully employed in December. How boring! The St. Louis Fed (FRED) graph below shows the American economy has been at full employment since December 2021 when the unemployment rate first … Continue reading

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Consumers Much Happier This Season

Financial FAQs Consumer confidence in December as measured by the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index is rising again; it jumped 10 points to 110.7 from 101. Why should that be, with all the doom and gloom and geopolitical uncertainty bombarding … Continue reading

Posted in Consumers, COVID-19, Economy, Housing, housing market, Weekly Financial News | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment